Schedule a Campus Tour with us
Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) is one of America's top-rated two-year academic institutions. We are dedicated to changing lives by offering students an affordable, accessible, and outstanding educational experience. DMACC offers over 220 programs, certificates, and transfer degrees, serving nearly 60,000 credit and noncredit students each year. Our talented graduates excel on the job - and if you transfer with a DMACC degree, you'll be able to achieve at the same level as those who start at a university. Situated in one of the Midwest's most vibrant economic and cultural regions, you'll find your niche here.

Summer classes now enrolling
Summer is a good time to keep learning! You can stick with your current studies or try out new subjects. Taking a few classes while you're at home for summer break could be perfect! It's a great opportunity to discover new interests, improve your skills, and grow both personally and professionally!

Step into your future
Advance your learning - no matter where you are on your journey. Step into your future by following one of our pathways to success. DMACC's programs and learning areas are organized into 10 academic and career focused pathways. Select the pathway that best represents your interests or career goals to see all of the possibilities.

See how much you'll save
DMACC is the largest college in Iowa with the lowest tuition and fees in the state. Learn about our accessible tuition rates and find out how much you can save at DMACC with our Tuition Comparison Calculator. We assist more than 17,000 students each year with grants, scholarships, work-study and low-interest loans.
DMACC by the Numbers
Free Fire and Emergency Medical Services Career Fair set for DMACC Ankeny Campus
More than 45 employers to recruit firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs in-training amid growing demand and staffing shortages...
MD Isley, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Named ‘Distinguished College Administrator’ By National Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Isley has been an integral in the expansion of DMACC’s honors program, whose members have received $190,000 in competitive...
DMACC's Fall 2024 Semester President's, Dean's and Graduation Lists
DMACC announces its Fall 2024 Semester President's, Dean's and Graduation Lists.