Our Programs

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Evelyn K. Davis Center
Information Center

Polk County Financial Empowerment Center

Polk County FEC Details

Free Personal Financial Coaching

We provide free confidential counseling sessions with a nationally certified credit counselor. Our services are available to all Polk County residents regardless of income.

Schedule an Appointment


Kent Johnson

Kent Johnson
Senior Financial Coach

Toni Hoyt

Toni Hoyt
Financial Coach

Mercedes Morton

Mercedes Morton
Financial Coach

Corenne Seward

Corenne Seward
Financial Coach

FEC Steps

Careers and Employability

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule and appointment with the first available Career Coach.

Our services include:

  • Writing and printing a resume
  • Locating online job applications
  • Contacting employers
  • Mock interviews
  • Career fairs

Michele Brown

Michele Brown
Career Navigator

Twyla Woods-Buford

Twyla Woods-Buford
Career Coach

Charles Zanders

Charles Zanders
Career Coach


Men on the Move Clothing Closet

Men on the Move

A men's clothing closet where community members will receive clothing to fit their needs for: job interviews, position change for current employment, or events and activities that require professional attire. Schedule an appointment today and receive personalized assistance to find clothes in your size.

Schedule an Appointment

Men on the Move Career Closet
1171 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50314

Due to the generous donations of many community members, we are not currently accepting donated clothing.

Opportunity Passport

A financial education and matched savings program that helps youth make a successful transition to adulthood.

Opportunity Passport® has been designed by the national Jim Casey Youth Oppo​rtunities Initiative, specifically for young people ages 14 to 26 who have been in foster care. The program provides an on-ramp to mainstream banking and $1 for $1 matching funds to participants when they use their savings toward approved assets such as housing costs, expenses for college or trade school, or to acquire transportation.

To become an Opportunity Passport participant you must first sign up for a Financial Capability Training. To sign up for a training please contact Robert Bibens at rgbibens@dmacc.edu​.

Program Brochure

Opportunity Passport Video Library

Small Business Solutions

Business Coaching

We can help you manage your business with:

  • Management and operations
  • Marketing plans
  • Products and service
  • Social Media
  • Registering your business with the state and federally
  • Business identity
  • Formalizing business entity

Whether you are starting a small business or looking to grow, a one-on-one coaching session will serve your purpose.

Non-Profit Development

This program is an investment in the growth of nonprofit organizations in the Greater Des Moines area. In this Boot Camp, nonprofits learn from experts on topics ranging from marketing, grant writing, tax and financial planning, alternative funding streams, building and managing a board, and recruiting volunteers. Dates and times to be determined.​

Samuel Early

Samuel Early
Small Business Consultant



Thank you to our partners


Y-ExCL Summer is a paid, 10-week work-based experience for individuals 14-21 years old to develop and strengthen employment skills while also learning about education and training necessary for future goals. Successful completion of a mandatory 2-week pre-employment training is required in order for students to receive job placement. Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for Summer 2025. We hope you check back Spring of 2026 for another chance at participating. Thank you for your interest!

Y-ExCL Application


What's Next?

After completing the 2-week training, students are matched with one of our Partnered Employers and work Monday- Thursday, for a total of 20 hours starting at $12.00 an hour. Fridays are reserved for programming that will consist of college tours, service learning projects, and other enrichment activities. The opportunities range from office/administrative duties, inventory flow and control, maintenance, facilities, childcare, event planning, and labor/construction-related jobs for age-appropriate youth.

The 10-Week Commitment is as Follows:

  1. Saturday, May 17: Program Orientation
  2. Monday, June 2 - Friday, June 13: 2-Week Pre-Employment Training
  3. Monday, June 16: First Day of Job Placement
  4. Thursday, August 7: Last Day of Job Placement
  5. Friday, August 8: Graduation

If you are interested in participating, the first step is to fill out the online application. Please make sure your email address and phone number are current and accessible. Applying does not ensure acceptance into the program, it means you are now an eligible candidate to conduct an interview for program consideration.

Let's Partner!

We partner with local non-profit organizations and businesses to offer real life work experiences for youth we work with over the Summer. Our students range from 14 – 21 years old and we offer 20-hour work experiences for 8-weeks over the 10-week Summer Program. Students will complete a 2 week pre-employment training prior to starting their work experience and will then work Monday through Thursday for the remaining 8 weeks of the program. With the mentorship, leadership, and supervision provided by our partnered employers, this gives our students a chance to practice what they've learned during the 2-week training period in a real-life work experience.


Digital Skills

The Digital Skills Course is a program that aims to provide education in the use of information, communication technology or ICT and to encourage higher level thinking and creativity through ICT. Digital Skills will help promote computer based educational resources.

Schedule an Appointment

There are three levels for students to register in this course:

Level 1: Introduction to Basic Computers and Word

Intro to Basic Computer

Introduction to Basic Computers has 4 Modules

  • Module 1 - Introduction to computer
  • Module 2 - Working with files, folders and windows
  • Module 3 - Browsing, Searching the web working with email
  • Module 4 - Using Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has 7 Modules

  • Module 1

Part 1: Starting with Word and Writing

Part 2: Editing

  • Module 2: Formatting A Document
  • Module 3: Pages, Lists, and Tabs
  • Module 4: Tables and Graphics
  • Module 5: References, Links, and Mailings
  • Module 6: Sharing and Customizing
  • Module 7: Forms and Macros

Level 2: Beginning Microsoft Excel

Level 2 has 6 Modules

  • Module 1:  Creating a Worksheet and a Chart
  • Module 2: Formatting and Printing
  • Module 3: Using Formulas for Functions
  • Module 4: Advanced Functions
  • Module 5: Automation, Protection, Collaboration, and Web Queries
  • Module 6: Working with Tables, Charts, and Graphics

Level 3: Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint has 4 Modules

  • Module 1: Creating a PowerPoint Presentation
  • Module 2: Formatting a Presentation
  • Module 3: Tables, SmartArt, and Charts
  • Module 4: Advanced Functionality


Outlook has 2 Modules

  • Module 1: Starting with Outlook & Working with Email
  • Module 2:  Managing Calendars with Outlook & Working with Different Views


An opportunity for parents of all ages!

A facilitated, peer-driven, small group format that will cover discipline, communication, formative relationships, father-mother partnership, physical and emotional development and social modeling.

  • New Parents
  • Divorced Parents
  • Parents of Teenagers
  • Parents of Young Children
  • Foster Care Parents
  • Faith-based and Non Faith-based Parents
  • Teen Parents
  • Men and Women in Parenting Roles
Schedule an Appointment