Safety Procedures

Safety & Emergency Procedures

DMACC Bear Alert System

To receive DMACC Bear Alerts Download the Informacast app from the Apple or Google Play​ stores.

The DMACC Bear Alert - Emergency Notification System can quickly alert DMACC credit students, faculty and staff of potentially dangerous situations. The system would be activated for events reflecting immediate pending danger such as a violent person on campus, a dangerous chemical spill or a bomb threat evacuation. Bear Alert will also be used to notify students, faculty and staff of weather related closings.

How you'll get the message

In the event of an emergency, you will receive text notifications, phone calls, and app alerts. Any DMACC Crisis Management Team (CMT) member can broadcast a voice message to be transmitted over the DMACC phone system and speakers in buildings across the district. Messages can also be sent students, faculty and staff email, cell and land line phones.

Messages can be sent to specific buildings, campuses/sites or district wide.

DMACC Bear Alert will only be used for "crisis" level events and weather-related closings.

Bear Alert FAQ's

Weather-Related Closing Information

If there is inclement weather such as a blizzard or ice storm, an announcement will be posted on the website. DMACC students, faculty and staff can also monitor media announcements for possible college closing information.

You may also be notified of college closing information through the DMACC Bear Alert system. Your DMACC email address and phone number has automatically been entered in the Bear Alert system.

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Emergency Notification Policy

DMACC Consumer Information - Emergency Notification Policy Statement

DMACC has a multi-layered emergency notification system in place called DMACC Bear Alert for immediately notifying the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus. Some or all of these layers of communication may be activated in the event of an immediate threat to the DMACC Campus Community, depending on the location and type of emergency. Layers include emails, emergency text messages, voice mails and an indoor voice notification system. DMACC will post updates during a critical incident on the DMACC website. Individuals can call the DMACC Recorded Emergency Information telephone line at 515-965-6020 for updates. Members of the larger community (parents, student and employee family members etc.) who are interested in receiving information about emergencies on campus should sign up for DMACC Bear Alert Emergency Notification System (call 515-964-6816 for assistance) and should use the DMACC website and emergency phone line for obtaining updates in the event of an emergency on campus.

All members of the DMACC Campus Community are notified on an annual basis that they are required to notify DMACC Ankeny Security at 515-964-6500 of any situation or incident on campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or on-going threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus. The DMACC Crisis Management Team (CMT) has the responsibility of responding to, and summoning the necessary resources, to mitigate, investigate, and document any situation that may cause a significant emergency or dangerous situation. In addition, the CMT has a responsibility to respond to such incidents to determine if the situation does in fact, pose a threat to the community. If that is the case, federal law requires that the institution immediately notify the campus community or the appropriate segments of the community that may be affected by the situation.

The DMACC Crisis Management Team may receive information from other sources, as well. If the CMT confirms that there is an emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all members of the Campus Community, CMT will collaborate to determine the content of the message and will use some or all of the systems described above to communicate the threat to the DMACC Campus Community or to the appropriate segment of the community, if the threat is limited to a particular building or segment of the population. The DMACC CMT will, without delay and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the judgment of the first responders (including, but not limited to: The City Police Department, Fire and Emergency Medical Services), compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

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