
Select a course name below for details:

The following courses are offered at Ames HS for DMACC college credit. The courses are taught by Ames instructors certified by DMACC. Through this partnership, the cost of the course is covered by the high school at no charge to the student.

» Classes also available at the DMACC Hunziker Career Academy

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High School Course
DMACC Course # DMACC Course Name Credits
DMACC Credit Offered
Accounting 1 ACC104 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping 3 Spring
BEC ADM936 Occupational Experience 3 Fall
Microsoft Certification BCA212 Intro Computer Business Application 3 Fall/Spring
AP Language and Composition (DMACC) ENG105 Composition I 3 Fall
AP Language and Composition (DMACC) ENG106 Composition II 3 Spring
Advanced Creative Writing (ENG221) ENG221 Creative Writing 3 Fall/Spring
AP English Lit & Comp LIT101 Intro to Literature 3 Fall
World Literature LIT151 World Literature II 3 Fall
AP English Lit & Comp LIT185 Contemporary Literature 3 Spring
Precalculus MAT129 Precalculus 5 Spring
Statistics MAT156 Statistics 3 Fall/Spring
AP Calculus AB MAT211 Calculus I 5 Spring
Advanced BEC WBL100 Exploring Careers 1
MOC - Internship 1 WBL110 Employability Skills 2
MOC - Internship 2 WBL150 Job Shadowing 1
*Course offerings are subject to change. Please contact your Career Advantage advisor or school counselor for updates and/or questions.

Ames High School Profile
2023-24 School Year

brain  Classes/Credits


Total DMACC Credits Earned


Students Enrolled in DMACC Classes

school building 3082 DMACC Credits earned at your High School

laptop 171 DMACC Credits Earned Online

DMACC Pennant 54 DMACC Credits Earned On-Campus Course Option

DMACC Pennant 333 Credits Earned at a DMACC Career Academy

class lecture 6 Certified Instructors at Your School

Brain 95.72% Success Rate

graduation cap  Graduates


High School Graduates who Attended DMACC in the Fall


Students Earning a DMACC Degree, Diploma, or Certificate while in High School

money  Tuition Saved

hand with coins

Average DMACC Tuition Saved Per Student


Total DMACC Tuition Saved