Central Campus
Select a course name below for details:
The following courses are offered at Central Campus for DMACC college credit. The courses are taught by Central Campus instructors certified by DMACC. Through this partnership, the cost of the course is covered by the high school at no charge to the student.
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Transfer ChartHigh School Course | DMACC Course # | DMACC Course Name | Credits | DMACC Credit Offered |
Advanced Nurse Aide | HSC182 | Advanced Nurse Aide | 3 | Spring |
Animal Science/Horticulture | AGA114 | Principles of Agronomy | 3 | Spring |
Animal Science/Horticulture | AGS113 | Survey of the Animal Industry | 3 | Spring |
Aquarium Science | AGS222 | Aquaculture/Aquarium Science I | 3 | Fall |
Aquarium Science | AGS249 | Aquaculture/Aquarium Science II | 3 | Spring |
Auto Technology I | MAT772 | Applied Math | 3 | Spring |
Auto Technology I | AUT111 | Intro to AutoTech I | 6 | Fall |
Auto Technology I | AUT112 | Intro to AutoTech II | 6 | Spring |
Auto Technology II | AUT601 | Auto Electrical I | 4 | Fall |
Auto Technology II | AUT163 | Automotive Engine Repair | 3 | Fall |
Auto Technology II | AUT612 | Auto Electrical II | 4 | Spring |
Broadcasting & Film I | HUM120 | Introduction to Film | 3 | Fall |
Broadcasting & Film I | HUM121 | America in the Movies | 3 | Spring |
Broadcasting & Film II | COM703 | Communication Skills | 3 | Spring |
Broadcasting & Film II | MMS480 | Video Production I | 3 | Fall |
Broadcasting & Film II | MMS484 | Premiere/Video Editing I | 3 | Spring |
Broadcasting & Film III | WBL110 | Employability Skills | 2 | Fall |
Broadcasting & Film III | WBL150 | Job Shadowing | 1 | Spring |
Business I | BUS148 | Small Business Management | 3 | Fall/Spring |
CAD Tech | CAD119 | Intro Computer-Aided Drafting | 3 | Fall |
CAD Tech | CAD125 | Intermediate CADD-Mechanical | 3 | Fall |
CAD Tech | CAD1126 | Intermed CADD-Architectural | 3 | Spring |
Career Explorations in Health | COM703 | Communication Skills | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Career Explorations in Health | WBL150 | Job Shadowing | 1 | Fall/Spring |
Carpentry I | CON336 | Care/Use-Hand/Pwr Tools | 1 | Fall/Spring |
Carpentry I | CON337 | Construction Blueprint Reading | 1 | Fall/Spring |
Civil Engineering & Architecture | EGT400 | Intro to Engr Design | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Civil Engineering & Architecture | EGT410 | Principles of Engineering | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Civil Engineering & Architecture | EGT420 | Digital Electronics | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Civil Engineering & Architecture | EGT450 | Computer Integrated Manuf | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Civil Engineering & Architecture | EGT460 | Civil Engineering & Architecture | 3 | Spring |
Civil Engineering & Architecture | WBL100 | Exploring Careers | 1 | Fall |
Culinary Arts I | HCM100 | Sanitation and Safety | 2 | Fall |
Culinary Arts I | HCM143 | Food Prep I | 3 | Spring |
Culinary Arts I | HCM144 | Food Prep I Lab | 3 | Spring |
Culinary Arts II | HCM110 | Baking (lab) | 2 | Fall |
Culinary Arts II | MAT772 | Applied Math | 3 | Spring |
Culinary Arts II | HCM320 | Intro to Hospitality Industry | 2 | Fall |
Culinary Arts II | HCM152 | Food Preparation II | 2 | Spring |
Culinary Arts II | HCM153 | Food Preparation II Lab | 2 | Spring |
Culinary Arts II | COM703 | Communication Skills | 3 | Spring |
Culinary Arts III | HCM231 | Nutrition | 2 | Fall |
Culinary Arts III | HCM240 | Menu Planning & Design | 2 | Spring |
Culinary Arts III | HCM510 | Work Experience | 3 | Spring |
Cybersecurity I | NET182 | IT and Security Fundamentals | 3 | Fall |
Cybersecurity I | NET166 | Applied Computer Security | 3 | Spring |
Cybersecurity II | NET213 | Cisco Networking | 4 | Spring |
Dream to Teach II | EDU210 | Foundations of Education | 3 | Fall |
Dream to Teach II | EDU218 | Initial Field Experience | 2 | Spring |
Dream to Teach II | WBL100 | Exploring Careers | 1 | Fall |
Dream to Teach II | WBL150 | Job Shadowing | 1 | Spring |
Fashion Design I | COM703 | Communication Skills | 3 | Spring |
Fashion Design I | APP109 | Creative Design Foundation | 3 | Fall |
Fashion Design II | APP261 | Fashion Industry Analysis | 3 | Spring |
Global Animal Science | AGC420 | Agricultural Issues | 3 | Fall |
Global Animal Science | WBL150 | Job Shadowing | 1 | Fall |
Graphic Design I | GRD403 | Communication Design I | 3 | Fall |
Graphic Design I | GRD459 | Illustrator | 3 | Fall |
Graphic Design II | GRD301 | Intro to Desktop Publishing | 3 | Fall |
Graphic Design II | GRD463 | Photoshop | 3 | Fall |
Graphic Design II | GRD405 | Typography I | 3 | Spring |
Intro to Fashion | APP255 | Intro to Garment Construction | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Marine Biology | BIO225 | Marine Biology I | 4 | Fall |
Marine Biology | BIO227 | Marine Biology II | 4 | Spring |
Nurse Aide Basic | HSC172 | Nurse Aide 75 Hour | 3 | Fall/Spring |
Welding I | WEL228 | Welding Safety/Health: SENSE1 | 1 | Fall |
Welding I | WEL274 | SMAW I: SENSE1 | 3 | Fall |
Welding I | WEL244 | GMAW Sh Cir Transfer: SENSE1 | 3 | Spring |
Welding I | MAT772 | Applied Math | 3 | Spring |
Welding II | WEL245 | GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE1 | 2 | Fall |
Welding II | WEL275 | SMAW II: SENSE1 | 3 | Fall |
Welding II | WEL233 | Print Read/Sym Inter: SENSE1 | 3 | Spring |
Welding II | WEL251 | GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1 | 2 | Spring |
Welding II | WEL254 | Inspection/Test Princ: SENSE1 | 1 | Spring |
*Course offerings are subject to change. Please contact your Career Advantage advisor
or school counselor for updates and/or questions.
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