Des Moines Christian School

Select a course name below for details:

The following courses are offered at Des Moines Christian High School for DMACC college credit. The courses are taught by Des Moines Christian instructors certified by DMACC. Through this partnership, the cost of the course is covered by the high school at no charge to the student.

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Degree Tracker

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Transfer Chart


High School Course DMACC Course # DMACC Course Name Credits DMACC Credit Offered
College Drawing Loading... ART133 Drawing Lab 3 Fall
College Painting Loading... ART143 Painting 3 Spring
Police & Society Loading... CRJ111 Police & Society 3 Fall
Foundations of Education Loading... EDU210 Foundations of Education 3 Fall
Initial Field Experience Loading... EDU218 Initial Field Experience 2 Spring
Comp I Loading... ENG105 Composition I 3 Fall
Comp II Loading... ENG106 Composition II 3 Spring
Creative Writing Loading... ENG221 Creative Writing 3 Fall
Graphic Design Loading... GRD301 Intro to Desktop Publishing 3 Fall/Spring
Introduction to Film Loading... HUM120 Introduction to Film 3 Spring
Intro to Literature Loading... LIT101 Intro to Literature 3 Fall
Contemporary Literature Loading... LIT185 Contemporary Literature 3 Spring
Precalculus Loading... MAT129 Precalculus 5 Spring
Statistics Loading... MAT156 Statistics 3 Spring
Calculus I Loading... MAT211 Calculus I 5 Spring

*Course offerings are subject to change. Please contact your Career Advantage advisor or school counselor for updates and/or questions.
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Des Moines Christian School Profile
2023-24 School Year

brain  Classes/Credits


Total DMACC Credits Earned


Students Enrolled in DMACC Classes

school building 1,623 DMACC Credits earned at your High School

laptop 0 DMACC Credits Earned Online

DMACC Pennant 0 DMACC Credits Earned On-Campus Course Option

DMACC Pennant 12 Credits Earned at a DMACC Career Academy

class lecture 6 Certified Instructors at Your School

Brain 99.02% Success Rate

graduation cap  Graduates


High School Graduates who Attended DMACC this year


Students Earning a DMACC Degree, Diploma, or Certificate while in High School

money  Tuition Saved

hand with coins

Average DMACC Tuition Saved Per Student


Total DMACC Tuition Saved