West Career Academy


Kristin Brookover, Ph.D.
Executive Campus Dean

Ellen Sandholm
Academic Advisor, Career Advantage


The DMACC West Campus Career Academy provides state-of-the-art career and technical training and college credit to high school students.
The educational academies on the West Campus is the IT Pathway. In addition, a variety of Arts and Science courses are available to students if space is available.
DMACC Career Academy programs are college level coursework infused with professional skills. In addition to earning college credit, students in all programs will:

  • Learn, develop, and practice professional communication skills
  • Compose a professional resume
  • Complete job shadowing or internship experiences in business/industry

Classes Offered

These classes provide area high school students with excellent educational opportunities. Registration in these courses is handled by high school counselors and principals. Listed times and courses are subject to change.

Programs Available

Students gain insight into the many career areas in Data/Telecommunications, Computer Networking, Computer Programming and Logic, and Computer Security.

Course # Course Name Credits

Classes offered W 9:05-10:30 a.m. real time/virtual, R 9:05-12:10 p.m. face to face

Remainder of classes will meet online

Fall Semester
Loading... Telecommunications I 3
Loading... Applied Computer Security 3
Loading... IT and Security Fundamentals 3

Classes offered T 9:00-11:5 a.m. face to face, W 9:05-10:30 a.m. real time virtual

Remainder of classes will meet online

Spring Semester
Loading... Computer Hardware Basics 4
Loading... Applied Computer Security 3