Financial Principles for Non-Financial Roles

Financial Principles for Non-Financial Roles

This suite of workshops will provide individual contributors, managers, and leaders meaningful understanding and application of the universal principles of business, finance, decision making, and success.

It’s designed specifically for professionals in non-financial roles who need to raise their business and financial game to meet the needs of stakeholders.

It is no longer enough to be good at part of the business. Leaders need to see the bigger picture and contribute to everyone’s success.

This is more than a finance program. Learners will see where costs are incurred and revenue is earned, and they’ll also learn how to deploy resources effectively toward organizational goals and objectives. The program emphasizes real-world application to decisions, decision making, and performance back on the job.

There are 3-parts to this suite, each consisting of two 3-hour live instruction segments. Each part stands on its own but together the learning is more powerful.

  • Dates: September - November 2024
  • Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • Location: Taught live via Zoom
  • Investment: $1,500 for the series $500 per part
  • Registration: To register, click here or email

Part A: Financial Matters for the Non-Financial Professional - Score Keeping & Winning

September 17 & 19, 2024

There are only a few universal scorecards in business. Financial Matters for the Non-Financial Professional will introduce you to the scorecards and the essential factors that determine winning in business. You’ll build fluency in terminology and the relationships between decisions and results. You’ll deepen your expertise in figuring out the what and why of your financial results.


  • The Five Factors of Business Success (Cash, Margin, Asset Utilization, Growth, People)
  • The Universal Scorecards in Business: Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows
  • Price, Volume, Margin, and Profit

Part B: Reading, Analyzing, & Acting on Business Information – Playing the Game

October 15 & 17, 2024

To get the results you want, you need to play the game to win! Part B will allow you to simulate three or more years of business. The emphasis is on practicing and getting lots of feedback with a little good-natured competition thrown in. In this learning-by-doing session, you’ll join a leadership team charged with running the company, evaluating the performance, making plans to improve results, and seeing the impact of your decisions in real time. Serious fun!


  • The Circulation of Capital
  • Working Capital, Asset Efficiency, Capacity Utilization, Inventory/Value Chain Optimization
  • Cash Position v. Cash Flow

Part C: Budgeting & Payback Analysis – Game Plans & Strategies

November 12 & 20, 2024

What gets measured gets done! Part C will give you lots of practice in setting financial game plans in motion, interpreting the results, and adapting your tactics to win the game. When our financial resources follow our business priorities, we can increase the chance of getting the results we seek. You’ll get lots of practice in setting, allocating, and evaluating the performance of scarce financial resources toward the things that will do the most good.


  • Capital Budgeting, Return on Investment, Time Value of Money, and Risk
  • Zero-Based Budgets, Incremental Budgets, Variance Analysis, and Decision-Making

Instructor: Dan Topf

Dan is a successful performance improvement consultant who is passionate about helping people and businesses achieve dramatic performance improvement through business learning. Dan designs, leads, and implements learning and development initiatives aligned with the strategic goals of his client organizations. His imaginative and professional live online and in-person presentations produce outstanding results, as documented by attendees’ performance. Dan can help you and your company develop business acumen, implement human performance technology, and design learning systems to achieve outstanding results.

Dan leads and implements multiple large and small-scale business training design projects for his clients. He also does 1:1 advising, coaching, and training for emerging leaders.  Known for his outstanding skills to make the complexities of business accessible and understandable, Dan serves as a lead facilitator for business simulations and business acumen programs.