Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Technology

Building Trades & Transportation

Tinker, Repair, Transport, Build, Construct

A 2-year up-to-date fully-accredited program for learning Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. Conveniently located near I-35 just North of Des Moines, Iowa, in Building 20, on the Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny Campus.

The DMACC Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technology Degree program provides the theory, knowledge, and skills of refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, and ventilation equipment for systems in residential and light commercial structures. Students in air conditioning and refrigeration are taught in the classroom and laboratory on models and equipment to prepare the student for satisfactory entrance and advancement in the HVAC-R field.

By completing the first three terms a student can receive a diploma. An AAS degree will be awarded upon completion of all five terms.

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Building Trades & Transportation Pathway
Pathway Success Team

Disclaimer: This Job Market Outlook tool uses third party national and regional aggregated data, some of which may be estimates when values or data are missing. Results may not reflect local or timely trends. Some careers listed may require additional education or degrees beyond those DMACC offers. Completing a program degree, diploma or certificate that shows pathways job market outlook information does not guarantee employment or a specific salary. Questions? We’d love to talk with you! Please call us at 800-362-2127 or email us to connect.

Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Technology Faculty

Name Title Phone Email
Hansman, David Professor, HVAC (515) 964-6426 dahansman1@dmacc.edu
Smith, Scott Instructor, HVAC (515) 964-6423 sdsmith1@dmacc.edu