Communication: Transfer Major

Education, Communication, & the Humanities

Educate, Inspire, Communicate, Connect, Discover

This Associate of Arts transfer degree is designed for students transferring to Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa, the University of Iowa or St. Ambrose University to study Communication. Requirements may vary at other institutions so students should become familiar with the specific course requirements of the four-year institution to which they plan to transfer. 

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Education, Communication, & the Humanities Pathway
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Communication: Transfer Major Faculty

Name Title Phone Email
Aunspach, Chase Instructor, Speech Comm (515) 697-7775
Christiansen, Karen Professor, Speech Comm (515) 964-6331
Conway, Anna Pathway Academic Chair, Speech/Communication/ELL (515) 697-7781
Langager, Aimee Assoc Prof, Speech & English (515) 248-7250
Mueller, Kay Professor, Speech Comm (515) 433-5094
Parrish, Margaret Professor, Speech Comm (712) 792-8326
Prochaska, Amy Professor, English/Speech (515) 433-5093
Simanski, Julia Professor, Speech Comm (515) 964-6526
Walker, Tiesha Instructor, Speech Comm (515) 633-2413