Safe Colleges

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The safety of our students is of utmost importance. That is why we are pleased to offer the SafeColleges online training system to our students. We are confident you will find these courses to be informative and helpful towards maintaining a safe learning environment. The lessons you learn in the classroom will help you achieve that goal; however, at DMACC we are dedicated to ensuring that our students learn beyond the classroom. This online educational course teaches you how to make well-informed decisions that will affect you during your college years and beyond.

Student Login to SafeColleges

Student Username: Use your DMACC 900 number

Students: SafeColleges will be sending you email messages to your DMACC email account. It is important that you complete this critical online training as soon as possible.

Employee login to Safecolleges

Employee Username: Use your DMACC email address

Employee Password defaults to the first five digits of your username (all lowercase).

The two videos include:

Campus SaVE Act for Students - Sexual Violence Awareness

Woman looking off the screen

Description: The goal of this course is to educate college and university students on proper identification, response, and handling of incidents of sexual violence. This course will look at sexual violence awareness, risk reduction, bystander intervention, what to do when sexual violence has happened, and disciplinary proceedings, victim protections, and sanctions.

Time: 34 minutes

Alcohol Awareness for Students

Person taking group photo

Description: The goal of this course is to provide college students with awareness of issues related to alcohol and some precautions to consider. This course will explore the college drinking scene, harmful effects of drinking, when and how to get help, and how to protect yourself and others.

Time: 23 minutes