An academic partnership with you in mind.
The Opportunity to Complete Your Bachelor’s Degree Online Is Here!
You have more ways than ever to advance your education after earning an Associate degree from DMACC – without leaving home.
Through the UNI@DMACC partnership, you now have access several bachelor degree programs.
- Earn a Bachelor's degree from UNI while living in the Des Moines area and without relocating.
- Take classes part-time while balancing work, family, and other responsibilities. All degree programs include the same classes offered on the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) campus
- Complete your degree online without needing to move to Cedar Falls to attend classes.
- Get the additional education to open doors for career advancement, personal and professional growth, and even increased earnings.
UNI@DMACC Online Degree Programs
- Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS). A highly customizable program that focuses on developing the skills you need to excel in numerous fields in the workforce.
- Accounting - Bachelor of Arts (BA). A flexible, hybrid program that focuses on developing the skills you need to excel in numerous fields in the workforce. Courses are offered online and face-to-face on the DMACC Urban campus.
- Criminology & Criminal Justice* - Bachelor of Arts (BA). A flexible, versatile degree completion program providing Associate of Arts (AA) graduates with endless career options in the Criminal Justice & Criminology fields..
- Criminal Justice - Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS). Provides a solid background for career advancement in the fields of criminal justice, including corrections, courts, policing, and private security.
- Early Childhood Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA). Prepares you for a career teaching young children birth through grade 3.
- Elementary Education - Online Transfer Program (formerly 2+2) - Bachelor of Arts (BA).. Prepares you for a career in elementary or middle level teaching.
- Elementary Education - Purple Pathway for Paraeducators (BA). Built exclusively for individuals who are currently working as paraeducators, prepares you for a career in elementary or middle level teaching.
- Human Services - Bachelor of Arts (BA). Designed to prepare students for careers that meet the needs of individuals, families and the community.
- Management: Business Administration - Bachelor of Arts (BA). Prepares you for a variety of organizational roles by providing exposure to core business concepts, including accounting, management, sales, and marketing.
- Managing Business and Organizations - Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS). Focuses on developing knowledge and professional competencies needed to serve effectively in managerial and supervisory roles.
- Sports Administration - Bachelor of Arts (BA). Turn your passion for the sports industry into a lifelong, fulfilling career.
- Industrial Management - Bachelor of Arts (BA). Focuses on developing knowledge and professional competencies needed to serve effectively in managerial and supervisory roles.
* Requires completion of an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.
More Information
Upon completion of your DMACC coursework or 2-year degree, you can apply at the UNI website. The application fee is waived for students applying through the UNI@DMACC partnership. UNI staff will work with you to evaluate previously completed courses.
Through available scholarships, you may be eligible to pay DMACC’s tuition rate. For more information and to complete the scholarship application, visit the UNI@DMACC Scholarship website. UNI@DMACC staff will follow up with students individually.
An advisor is assigned to each student and provides a highly individualized experience to help complete a bachelor's degree.
As a UNI@DMACC student, you will continue to have access to many DMACC Des Moines/Urban Campus support services, including library access and support, the Academic Achievement Center and DMACC Online Tutoring (DOT), assistance with FAFSA application, student engagement events, computer labs, mental health counselor access, bus passes, Trail Point membership when enrolled in six credits, and more.
You can also get support from UNI’s Financial Aid, Career Services and Rod Library staff, academic support and tutoring opportunities from the Learning Center, access to student accessibility services, and staff, and technical support assistance.
A strong, long-standing partnership has existed between UNI and DMACC for more than 25 years. It began with the 2+2 Elementary Education BA program, when the two institutions came together to provide a pathway for placebound students to earn education degrees and begin teaching in Iowa. Since 1995, more than 300 teachers have graduated from the program.
Today, UNI and DMACC have expanded the partnership to offer additional online degree completion programs at four campuses through the UNI@DMACC partnership.