Career Advantage Calendar

DMACC Career Advantage Calendar Fall 2024*

Please note: The dates listed below could vary from high school to high school, based on term scheduling. To verify these dates, contact the Career Advantage Advisor assigned to your school.

See your high school guidance counselor or DMACC Career Advantage advisor if you have any questions regarding drop deadlines. Additional drop deadlines can be found at the DMACC Refund Policy page.

Dates for Online (OLCA), On-Campus (OCCO) & Career Academy (Term 1)

August 21 Start of full-term semester
September 4 Last day to drop courses without a "W" recorded
October 16 Career Academy midterm
October 31 Last day to drop courses with a "W" - "F" recorded after this date
December 12 End of full-term semester

Dates for Courses in the High School (Term A)

August 20 Web opens for instructors to report attendance
September 23 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report attendance
October 1 Web opens for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
October 2 Last day to drop courses without a "W"
October 21 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
November 7 Last day to drop courses with a "W" - "F" recorded after this date
December 6 Web opens for instructors to report final grades
January 22 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report fina grades

Dates for Courses in the High School - Quarter Schools (Term H1 & H2)

H1 Date H2 Date  
August 23 October 28 Web opens for instructors to report attendance
September 4 November 6 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report attendance
September 1 November 8 Last day to drop courses without a "W"
September 19 November 21 Web opens for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
September 25 December 2 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
September 30 December 6 Last day to drop courses with a "W" - "F" recorded after
December 6 January 7 Web opens for instructors to report final grades
January 22 January 22 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report final grades

Other Important Dates

September 4 Last day to drop online classes without school being billed
October 1 Last day to drop Academy classes without school being billed
February 4 Final DMACC transcripts sent for fall semester (per student request)

DMACC Career Advantage Calendar Spring 2025*

Dates for Online (OLCA), On-Campus (OCCO) & Career Academy (Term 1)

January 13 Start of full-term semester
January 27 Last day to drop courses without a "W" recorded
March 6 Career Academy midterm
March 28 Last day to drop courses with a "W" - "F" recorded after this date
May 8 End of full-term semester

Dates for Courses in the High School (Term A)

January 13 Web opens for instructors to report attendance
February 12 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report attendance
February 25 Last day to drop courses without a "W"
March 7 Web opens for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
April 3 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
April 10 Last day to drop courses with a "W" - "F" recorded after this date
May 1 Web opens for instructors to report final grades
June 6 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report fina grades

Dates for Courses in the High School - Quarter Schools (Term H3 & H4)

H3 Date H4 Date  
January 14  March 24 Web opens for instructors to report attendance
January 23 April 2 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report attendance
January 23 April 3 Last day to drop courses without a "W"
February 7 April 18 Web opens for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
February 17 April 24 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report midterm/quit attending
February 21 May 1 Last day to drop courses with a "W" - "F" recorded after
May 1 May 23 Web opens for instructors to report final grades
June 6 June 6 Web closes at midnight for instructors to report final grades

Other Important Dates

January 27 Last day to drop online classes without school being billed
March 1 Last day to drop Academy classes without school being billed
June 18 Final DMACC transcripts sent for fall semester (per student request)

*This calendar is a summary of the most common drop deadlines used by high school students. Some courses at DMACC may have other drop deadlines. Students should refer to myDMACC to find drop dates for each course.