Credit ELL

Contact Information

Saem Parry
ELL Faculty Instructor

Valerie González
ELL & Spanish Faculty Instructor

Credit English Language Learners

We offer Reading/Communication and Grammar/Writing classes to assist students whose first language is not English to succeed in academic coursework while at DMACC.

Why should I take credit ELL classes?

By taking credit ELL classes, you can:

  • Build academic language and study skills
  • Ease into college-level academic rigor, expectation, and culture
  • Be prepared for mandatory Composition classes
  • Earn credits toward Elective Course Requirements through advanced-level classes (ELL 108 & ELL 109)
  • Connect with students from various countries

Course Options

Reading & Communication

Course Details/Requirements
ELL 098
Reading & Communication Fluency
(4 credits)
ELL 108
Reading & Communication Accuracy
(4 credits)
  • Requirement: ELL Accuplacer
    (minimum score of 82-110 or successful completion of a "C" or higher in ELL 098 and ELL 099)
  • View Competencies for ELL108

Grammar & Writing

Course Name/Requirements
ELL 099
Grammar & Writing Fluency
(4 credits)
ELL 109
Grammar & Writing Accuracy
(4 credits)
  • Requirement: ELL Accuplacer
    (minimum score of 82-110 or successful completion of a "C" or higher in ELL 098 and ELL 099)
  • View Competencies for ELL109
ELL 109
Coming soon!


How Do I Get Started?


How do I get started steps


Follow these four steps in order to get started at DMACC for ELL Credit Classes

  1. DMACC Application - Apply Online
  2. Academic Advisor - Make An Advising Appointment to arrange a Placement Test
  3. Placement Test - Make an Appointment at a Testing Center
  4. Academic Advisor - Discuss Test Scores and Register for Appropriate ELL Classes