DMACC Honors Application

The Honors Program is currently taking applications!​​

  • Summer 2025 Honors applications due Midnight Friday April 25, 2025
  • Fall 2025 Honors applications due Midnight Friday July 25, 2025
  • Spring 2026 Honors applications due Midnight Friday December 5, 2025

We encourage you to apply early in order to have the best selection of honors courses.

Apply Now

Once you have been accepted as a student at Des Moines Area Community College, you are invited to apply to the DMACC Honors Program.  Students who accrue at least 13 “Honors Credits” will graduate from DMACC with an Honors notation on their degree, certificate, or diploma.

To be accepted into the honors program you:

  • Must have earned a high school degree or equivalent by the time you enter the Honors Program.
  • Must have completed 12 community college credits with a minimum GPA of 3.5 prior to the semester you enroll into the DMACC Honors Program.
  • Complete the DMACC Honors application.

Applicants are encouraged to compose and edit an essay (described below) in a Microsoft Word document prior to beginning the online form, so that the document can be uploaded or attached into the space provided on the application. Essays should be approximately 800 words in length and single spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font.

Essay Prompt (answer both prompts):

The Honors Program looks for students who think critically, seek in-depth learning experiences, and demonstrate a commitment to using their gifts to benefit others.
In approximately 800 words,

  • Tell us about a time when you have demonstrated research skills and/or problem-solving skills to benefit others through your research, leadership, or volunteer experiences. Good examples might include a research paper or project, a volunteer project, a science fair project, a 4-H project, or a scouting project.​
  • Discuss how being in the Honors Program would enhance your academic experience.

Your essay will be read by a panel of faculty members at DMACC who serve on the Honors Admissions Committee. This committee will evaluate your essay based on the degree to which it demonstrates Honors-level writing and how well it addresses both writing prompts. If an applicant's writing is not determined to be at Honors level, the student may not be admitted to the Honors Program.

The essay is your opportunity to showcase your motivation and achievement to the Honors Admissions Committee.

We look forward to learning more about you.

All documents required may be uploaded, including transcripts, test scores, and personal essays. Teacher recommendation letters may be attached to an e-mail to the Director of Honors at