2025 Faculty

Kate Burrell Rice

Psychology Professor


Kate Burrell Rice

As an Iowa native, travel within the United States and abroad has been one of my greatest teachers. Learning about myself, others, and being introduced to new cultures is inherently educational but most of all inspiring. Traveling lights a fire of learning and personal growth inside of me. Like you I am a graduate of a community college; but for me study abroad was not offered. Honestly, I lacked the courage and confidence at that age. Looking back, knowing how much I learned through these experiences I would tell myself “Get started. You can do it!" It's the same advice I offer those of you thinking about studying abroad. Early in my career I joined a group of students in Thailand in a service-learning experience; it transformed me and laid the foundation for why I teach psychology today.

Having only spent a short visit in London I approach the study abroad experience with the same sense of enthusiasm as you. We will integrate psychological theory with real-world examples while living in London's diverse setting. Engaging in meaningful conversations about the study abroad experience and psychology will be a transformative journey of learning, exploration, and discovery. Let's go!

Beth Baker-Brodersen

Humanities/Literature/English Professor


Beth Baker-Brodersen

During the spring semester of 2018, I had the honor and pleasure of serving as the faculty member for DMACC Study Abroad in London. After I returned home, my enthusiasm must have been a little over-the-top, as a somewhat exasperated family member inquired, “Was the experience really all that life-changing?”

Yes. It was.

It’s no surprise that I love to travel (even when I am sometimes intimidated by the thought of facing the unfamiliar). I’ve been fortunate to visit several European cities and countries, such as Vienna, Budapest, Amsterdam and the Netherlands, France, Italy, Scotland and Ireland. However, few things compare to the opportunity to experience London through a shared perspective with other DMACC students and faculty. There we will explore cultural landmarks, attend outstanding theatre, meander through world-class museums, and discover the abundant nature in London parks, all while living in a beautiful, sophisticated, metropolitan environment. London makes for a rich learning community.

In June 2018, a few months after I returned to Iowa, the news was filled with the death of noted chef, writer, and adventurer Anthony Bourdain. At the time, I remember coming across something he had said, “There are two ways of traveling, which are really two ways of looking at the world. You can see another country as simply an experience to consume, a place to collect trophies. Or you can look at it as an environment to interact with, something that changes you through the encounter and that you inevitably change by visiting.”

I hope you get the chance to experience interactive travel in London during our 2025 trip.