
Fall 2024 Auditions

Auditions for:
A: I Love You, a play written in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence, Written and Generated by Ryann Daggett, Charlotte Elsasser, Christopher Morales & Cade Rewarts
The Swindlers: A True-ish Tall Tale, by Noah Diaz

Auditions will be held in the Black Box Theatre in Building 5 on the Ankney Campus.

  • Monday, August 26, 7-9 p.m.
  • Tuesday, August 27, 7-9 p.m.

Rehearsals for A: I Love You, directed by Carl Lindberg, Choreographed by Michael Tomlinson, will likely start rehearsal on September 1; tech week begins on September 22, at which time actors and crew can expect more rehearsal meeting dates and times; performances will be September 27 - October 6.

Rehearsals for The Swindlers: A True-ish Tall Tale, directed by Brittny Rebhuhn, will likely start rehearsal on October 13; tech week begins on November 10, at which time actors and crew can expect more rehearsal meeting dates and times; performances will be November 15 - 24. We plan on having an initial table read of the script the week of October 6.

Please know that having conflicts does not preclude you from being cast!


If you are interested in helping with the production offstage, please contact Production Manager, Rachel Trimble to set up backstage interviews!


Auditions will be held August 26 & 27 from 7-9 p.m.
Sign up to audition with the Audition Form below. This has important questions about your availability, which we ask that you please thoroughly communicate.
We will have a dance call for everyone at 7 p.m. then move to individual side readings.

Audition Form

If you have any issues on the day and/or time of the audition, please email our Production Manager, Rachel, with updates.


You do not need to memorize any dialogue, but we encourage you to familiarize yourself with dialogue for roles that you feel you are a strong fit for or want to play. It is quite possible you will be asked to read only one of the sides, and you may be asked to read any of the scenes with a wide range of directorial notes. If you feel more comfortable, you may want to print your own sides, though we will have provided copies at auditions.

Links to download the sides can be found below.


For visual assistance with where Building 5 is and where to park, here is a link to the campus map, as well as the Building 5 Student Center.

The Black Box is located on the quad side (East side) of the building. If you enter by the Fountain on the East/Quad side of the building, the Black Box is around the corner to the left, following the tiled floor. If you enter by Trail Point Wellness Center, the Black Box is past Trail Point, past Café X, and across from Subway on the right hand side.