DMACC West Activities

Immerse yourself in campus life - join a club and get involved.

The Animation Club is for students interested in and enthusiastic about animation. Students get together and share their enthusiasm and love for animation through discussions, exercises, drawing sessions, and workshops led by an instructor (or) student leader.

As a member of Club West, you are right in the heart of all the activities at DMACC West campus! You gain skills such as hands-on leadership, team-building, goal setting, communicating to get results, budget management, and time management. Club West is a great opportunity to significantly build your resume and earn FREE college credit simply by participating and networking with fellow classmates.

Club West creates a wonderful community that is one of the best ways to meet and build friendships with peers and faculty on campus! As a member of Club West, with the help of your classmates YOU get to create and plan the events and activities on campus!


  1. Must be a Des Moines Area Community College West Campus student with a paid activity fee.
  2. Must be enrolled in at least one 3-credit class during the semester you choose to take Club West.
  3. Must not be under disciplinary action.

A faith-based group seeking to build deep friendships as we live out the love we have received from Christ. Contact advisor Jill Friestad-Tate for more information! Everyone of all faiths are welcome to attend and the discussions are meaningful and enlightening. Members share their personal experiences, their faith, and their struggles in a hope of finding comfort, answers, and empathy. The group shares prayer requests and information about how to connect locally and online to Christian resources.

Joe Hanson, (515) 248-7228

Build a portfolio of achievements to complement your academic experience. Demonstrate your ability to apply your learning in real-world scenarios. Serve in a leadership position for the largest collegiate business student organization in the world. Participate in professional competitive events against college students from across the state and nation. Develop leadership, communication, and networking skills while you interact with other likeminded professionals at the local, state, and national level. Don’t let this incredible opportunity pass you by—join FBLA today!

FBLA Website



Bethany Sweeney

The LGBTQ+ Affinity Group is open to all DMACC employees and students. The group meets the 4th Friday of each month at noon on Zoom. Anyone who is interested in participating in a meeting or getting more information can reach out through email to


Jennie Doke-Kerns, 515-633-2418
Dr. Nancy Woods, 515-433-5061

Phi Theta Kappa is an international scholastic society whose mission is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. DMACC Phi Theta Kappa members also enjoy the benefits of eligibility to numerous scholarships, attendance to conferences, recognition at graduation, and more!