Online Accelerated Classes

Move at a Faster Pace

Online accelerated classes start after the semester begins and last between 5 and 15 weeks. You can progress as quickly as  you want any time during the day or night. You choose the location too - in your favorite coffee shop or at your kitchen table.

Students are allowed to accelerate through the course as determined by each professor. The classes are fully accredited, so you'll receive the same quality instruction, just at a faster pace than traditional semester classes.

The courses focus on four academic areas:

  • Social and Behavioral Science
  • Humanities
  • Math and Science
  • Communications

We also offer a variety of courses in our Business programs.


This schedule is continually updated. We offer six start dates per year. Please check back for new classes as they become available. 

Getting Started

  1. Register / Pay for class
  2. Start the class!